amazon-business-verification=2cd5ed99479e7852a7d985bb156080eb77bf34fdea04450d792d920f68702f95 Central Valley Opportunity Center, Inc | Agricultural Worker Training Programs | 6838 Bridget Ct, Winton, CA, USA
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Agricultural Worker Training Programs
Agricultural Worker Training Programs

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Agricultural Worker Training

About CVOC 

Central Valley Opportunity Center, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c) (3) employment training
and service provider serving the California counties of Merced, Madera, and Stanislaus. CVOC is funded primarily through federal, state, and local grants to serve farmworker
and low-income populations.


Vision Statement

Our vision is that people in our communities have stable and secure futures.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide employment, skills training, education, and emergency services

to improve the quality of life for farm workers and underserved members in our communities.

Central Valley Opportunity Center was incorporated as a community-based corporation in May of 1979. CVOC operates numerous employment, educational, economic development, and social service programs in central California. Over the last twenty-five years, CVOC has operated major programs for the Department of Labor, Department of Community Service and Development, Department of Education, State of California, local government programs, and private foundations.


Central Valley Opportunity Center’s service area is comprised of the three counties of Stanislaus, Merced, and Madera. Located in the heart of the agriculturally rich San Joaquin Valley, this area covers 6,431 square miles; slightly more than four percent of the total land area of California. The economy of CVOC’s service area is predominantly agricultural.

Agriculture is also the leading employment sector. In addition to creating farm employment, the area’s agricultural activities stimulate jobs in food processing, transportation, light agriculture industry, and wholesale and retail trades.


CVOC services include vocational education, adult basic education, English Language instruction, housing assistance, energy payment assistance, home weatherization services, emergency supportive services, transportation, emergency food, job placement services, child care services and community education services. CVOC has effectively provided a comprehensive package of services to over a hundred thousand customers.



HELP US protect FARMWORKERS from pesticide exposure and heat-related illnesses by donating a long-sleeve shirt today!

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* MARCH 23-31

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National Farmworker Awareness Week (NFAW) is a week of action for communities and individuals to bring attention to farmworkers and honor them for the contributions they make to our daily lives. NFAW is celebrate during March 23-31, 2025.


Why does CVOC celebrate National Farmworker Awareness Week?


Farmworkers nourish the world—85% of our fresh fruits and vegetables are hand-harvested. In the United States, an estimated 2.5 to 3 million men, women, and even children labor in the fields. Every state, including yours, relies on farms, yet the people behind our food supply remain unseen, enduring harsh and unjust working conditions. Farmworkers deserve dignity!


Agricultural labor is among the most hazardous occupations in the country. Those who cultivate and gather our produce face the highest rates of toxic chemical exposure of any workforce in the nation. They also suffer from disproportionate cases of heat stress, dermatitis, urinary tract infections, parasitic diseases, and tuberculosis. Safe working conditions for farmworkers are a necessity, not a privilege!


Farmworkers are not afforded the same legal protections as other workers. They are often denied overtime pay, unemployment benefits, and even basic rights when organizing for better conditions. Nearly all major labor laws of the 1930s excluded farmworkers, and while the Fair Labor Standards Act was amended in 1978 to require minimum wage on large farms, it still does not guarantee overtime pay. It's time to end this injustice and ensure farmworkers receive fair treatment under the law!

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As part of NFAW’s week of action, CVOC will host its annual National Long Sleeve â€‹


→ When? March 23-31, 2025

→ Where?


Madera County

  • Madera Workforce – 2037 W Cleveland Ave, Madera, CA

  • Baldwin Office – 17506 Baldwin St, Madera, CA

  • Gateway Office – 605 S Gateway Dr, Madera, CA


Stanislaus County

  • Workforce Development Oakdale – 1405 W F St. Ste. I, Oakdale, CA

  • Workforce Development Modesto – 12th Street, Modesto, CA

  • Workforce Development Turlock – 1310 W. Main St., Turlock, CA

  • Workforce Development Modesto – 251 E Hackett Rd, C-2, Modesto, CA

  • Workforce Development Patterson – 101 W Las Palmas Ave, Patterson, CA

  • Family Resource Center Patterson – 1010 W Las Palmas Ave, Suite E, Patterson, CA

  • CVOC Modesto – 1801 H St, Suite A4 & B1, Modesto, CA

  • CVOC Ceres – 3860 Brickit Ct, Suite A & B, Modesto, CA

  • CVOC Patterson – 40 N 3rd St, Patterson, CA


Merced County

  • CVOC Winton – 6838 Bridget Ct, Winton, CA

  • Worknet Merced – 1205 W 18th St, Merced, CA

  • Worknet Atwater – 1900 Airdrome Entry, Atwater, CA



To protect farmworkers from pesticide exposure and heat-related illnesses by donating a long-sleeve shirt.


Can't donate a shirt? No Problem!

Donate via the PayPal button below.


CVOC Winton 209-357-0062

CVOC Modesto 209-577-3210

CVOC Madera 559-662-0100



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WIOA 167 – Migrant And Seasonal Farmworker Program
WIOA – Dislocated Agricultural Worker Program
CSBG – Migrant And Seasonal Farmworker Program
CSBG – Community Service Program
LIHEAP -- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
CalWORKS Job Club
HEP - High School Equivalency Program
IR/ITA- Individual Referral & Individual Training Account

Farmorker Resource Center

Contact CVOC today and get a start on your future! 


Winton Workforce                   • 209 • 357 • 0062

Modesto Workforce                • 209 • 577 • 3210

Modesto Energy Services      • 209 • 338• 0004

Ceres Energy Services           • 209 • 537 • 9217

Ceres Home Weatherization  • 209 • 541• 0496

Patterson                                  • 209 • 695• 3050


Madera Workforce                  • 559 • 662 • 0100

Madera Trucking & Welding  • 559 • 330• 0170



Farmworker Programs


Brian Harris - Professional Truck Driver Brian came to CVOC looking for an opportunity to change his future, his career, and to do better for him and his family. Brian had been working in AG for the last eight years, prepping the soil and installing irrigation hoses. He knew about our services from a prior outreach event and he decided to inquire about our Class A vocational training. Brian qualified under WIOA thanks to his work in agriculture. 

Within a couple of weeks of his truck driving training, Brian obtained his driving permit and a few weeks later, he earned his Class A and Forklift certification. 

After successfully completing his course, Brian was ready to enter the workforce. With the help of the job developer and his motivation to work, he got a job as a delivery Truck driver at Antonini Bros Trucking. Now he is earning $18hr well over the minimum wage and he is enjoying his career and looks forward to growing in his new profession.

Central Valley Opportunity Center, Inc. is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action/At-Will Employer. 

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