Central Valley Opportunity Center

WIOA 167 Migrant And Seasonal Farmworker Program
The goal of this program is to assist Farmworkers and their dependents in obtaining permanent and higher paying employment opportunities. CVOC provides some emergency services to migrant and seasonal Farmworkers, mainly in the form of food, rental assistance, utility assistance, and transportation. Major services are Vocational Classroom Training, English-as-a-Second-Language, General Educational Diploma Instruction, On-the-Job Training, Direct Job Placement/Job Development and Referral, Training-Related Support Services, Counseling and Case Management. To be eligible for these services customers must be a Farmworker or dependent of a Farmworker.
WIOA Dislocated Agricultural Worker Program
The purpose of this program is to assist agricultural workers who have lost their agricultural employment due to lay off or business closure. The major focus of this program is employment training and job placement. Customers may receive a variety of services including; Vocational Classroom Training, On-the-Job-Training (OJT), Direct Job Placement, Counseling and Job Search Assistance. Eligibility for this program requires that customers must have been laid off from an agriculture-related position prior to application. They must be unlikely to return to their previous employment. Clients must be legal residents and reside in the service area. Clients must be unemployed at the time of application.
CSBG – Migrant And Seasonal Farmworker Program
The CSBG/MSFW Program provides a variety of services and activities to assist low-income migrant and seasonal Farmworkers as well as seasonal cannery workers. Services provided include information and referral services, family self-sufficiency activities, assistance in translation, application assistance in applying for social services, transportation, public education, and employment/training. The following activities are provided by the program: Vocational Classroom Training, Job Placement Assistance, English-as-a-Second Language Instruction, Summer Migrant Youth Project, General Education Diploma Instruction, Rental Assistance, Emergency Shelter, Emergency Food Assistance, Transportation and Public Education on various issues. To be eligible for program services customers must have worked in farm or cannery work, and family income must be at or below the Poverty Level. The client must reside in the Service Area and provide documentation of U.S. residency.
CSBG – Community Service Program
The CSBG/CSP provides a variety of services and activities to assist the low-income residents of Stanislaus County. Project activities provide information and referral services, family self-sufficiency activities, assistance in translation, application assistance in applying for social services, transportation, public education, and employment/training services. Customers must reside in Stanislaus County and be or be a member of a family whose income is at or below the poverty level. The client must have documented proof of U.S. residency.
LIHEAP - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps keep families safe and healthy through initiatives that assist families with energy costs. LIHEAP can help you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer through programs that reduce the risk of health and safety problems that arise from unsafe heating and cooling practices. In Stanislaus County, CVOC provides federally funded programs that assist in managing costs associated with:
Home energy bills
Energy crises
Weatherization and energy-related minor home repairs
CalWORKs Job Club
The purpose of the project is to provide CalWORKs customers with job search assistance including; orientation to the world of work, interview skills, resume preparation, employer contacts and job matches. Customers will complete a workshop designed to prepare them for job seeking.
Customers will also receive assistance in finding suitable employment opportunities. The local CalWorks program performs customer eligibility determination and referral of clients to CVOC. All participants need to be registered with the local CalWorks program.
HEP – High School Equivalency Program
CVOC provides the High School Equivalency Program (HEP) to prepare Farmworkers to complete High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) test requirements and subsequently, gain improved employment, begin post-secondary studies, or enroll in a vocational training program. The program offers high-quality instruction in preparing students for High School Equivalency Diploma testing and also offers a comprehensive mixture of services to help clients participate and succeed in the program. CVOC HEP services are offered at each of our three service centers located in Madera, Merced and Stanislaus counties. CVOC programs increase the educational resources available to Farmworkers through referral and collaboration with area colleges, service agencies, health agencies, and employers.